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George Thomson is a Bitcoin enthusiast and all around crypto currency nerd... When he's not busy researching crypto, he likes hiking the national parks of British Columbia . He lives in an eco-friendly home with his wife Jana and their two daughters, Sandra and Rose. His favorite word is "sustainability".

Can Ethereum 2.0 overcome its Challenges ?

When Ethereum was created in 2015, it opened up a new world of possibilities for the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology originally pioneered by Bitcoin. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had grown frustrated with the limitations of Bitcoin and saw that blockchain…

Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?

The original Bitcoin whitepaper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. This whitepaper outlined the basis for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which have grown enormously in both value and recognition since the first Bitcoin block was mined in January 2009.…

What is the Flippening ?

The concepts of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology were born with Bitcoin in 2009. Since the launch of Bitcoin, countless projects have offered seemingly endless variations on the use cases and possibilities of these technologies. Ethereum was conceived in 2013 and…